About Club. Cooperation.

 в Клубе Матэ


Legal address: 101000
Moscow st., Myasnitskaya 30/1/2 page 3

Phone number: 952-00-46, 954-89-06,
E-mail: info@club-mate.ru



ANO "MATE" is the exclusive distributor of Argentinian companies«AMANDA», «PIPORI», «Саstiello», «Aquatadora». Companies are known in the world market for their experience in growing the highest quality raw materials on their own, environmental friendly plantations in provinces of Messiones in Argentina. The products of the companies are represented in highly developed countries, they possess highest production technologies, as well as control and quality control laboratories, which allows them to save all the medicinal properties of the drink. The impeccable quality of elite Mate is maintained at level of world standards: it is processed and packaged in its homeland in Argentina. Its unique packaging makes it possible to save aroma and all, even unusual, tastes. Our Mate’s assortment is extremely large. Varieties of different degrees of aging and types of treatment are offered there. Companies have an international quality certificate for beverage called “mate”. The "MATE" project in Russian Federation was conceived and developed to promote a healthy human lifestyle, which could only be reached by supplying high-quality products. Our center "MATE" is partially financed by the Government of Moscow.

A creative approach to our products’ promotion has been repeatedly noted by federal media - NTV TV, Culture, ORT, RTR - Expertise, Health program (and many others). A large number of publications (Big City, Gastronome, Fusion Komsomolskaya Pravda, Company Health Formula, Restaurant Gazette, etc. about 40 articles, devoted to mate, in which our club acts as an expert of this beverage (see more ...) . Center’s activity is awarded with diplomas given by The Moscow Government, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, and others.

The club promotes the culture of drinking mate in our country

Now we offer you an extensive partner program:

1. Historical reconstruction of authentic rituals (Brazilian, Argentine, sacral, etc.)

2. Individual development of mate card and recommended recipes on basis of this enterprise.

3. Always a new delivery of products and accessories.

4. Organization of space for drinking mate (interior items, author's dishes, etc.)

5. Place-related events (various activities with historical scenarios).

6. Full information support.

7. Individual approach for wholesale companies, introduction of mate as an accompanying product, creation of programs for promotion of mate towards business partners.

We will be sincerely glad and we hope that joint activities will bring additional success and prosperity to your business!


Растет МАТЭ в Южной Америке и у этого (напитка) чая очень долгая история. Одна из многих легенд индейского племени Гуарани повествует, что СА-А даровал индейцам сам Верховный Бог ВИРАКОЧИ. Это было наградой детям от Мудрого Отца за верное служение и почитание ВИРАКОЧИ (Са-а(англ.) – индейское название МАТЭ)
МАТЭ пили воины-индейцы перед сражением и оно даровало силу и нечувствительность к боли. МАТЭ использовали при общении с Духами и Богами. МАТЭ пили перед дальней дорогой и брали с собой, т.к. оно прекрасно заменяло пищу по своей питательности. У каждого индейца был с собой мешочек в котором всегда лежала порция листьев напитка, сосуд для МАТЭпития (калабас – calabacita) и соломинка бомбилья –(bombilla).
В Европу МАТЭ завезли европейцы-завоеватели. Кстати они же открыли и еще одно свойство чудесного напитка. Все матросы, употреблявшие МАТЭ во время плавания не болели цингой. Его первое название звучало как «Напиток Иезуитов», стоил МАТЭ дороже чая и приносил огромную прибыль «Святым отцам», так как плантации с МАТЭ, после завоеваний, принадлежали именно Ватикану. Из Европы МАТЭ очень быстро разошелся по миру.